The Curious Eagle

Is ‘Staying Calm’ Just a Parenting Illusion?

Facing a toddler’s tantrum can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. I’ve been in the trenches of toddler tantrums too and it’s not my always my proudest moments. The advice to ‘stay calm’ during these episodes? It’s like telling someone to stay dry in a rainstorm without an umbrella – theoretically possible, but realistically?

The common advice to ‘stay calm’ can be challenging, leading to feelings of frustration, helplessness, or guilt. Understanding your emotional triggers is crucial. Remember, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, and seeking help to navigate your feelings is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Tantrums are like mini-emotional tsunamis. Our kids are not just throwing a fit; they’re lost in a sea of feelings they can’t navigate. As parents, it’s on us to be their lighthouse.

Decoding the Tantrum: Managing tantrums is about more than just quelling the immediate outburst. It’s about nurturing emotional resilience and teaching effective communication. 

  1. Overwhelmed Senses: Imagine going to a heavy metal concert when you prefer quiet libraries. That’s our toddlers in a supermarket. Too much of everything!
  2. Unmet (Often Basic) Needs: Hunger, sleep, or just needing a cuddle – basic needs often go unmet in the chaos of life, leading to meltdown city.
  3. Little Rebels Seeking Independence: They’re like tiny teens testing limits to assert themselves. Remember when they refused to wear the adorable outfit you picked? Yep, independence in action.

The Parental Emotional Rollercoaster: Now, us parents, we’re not just bystanders in this. Oh no. We’re riding our own rollercoaster of emotions, aren’t we? Juggling life, work, relationships, and sometimes feeling like we’re failing at all of it. It’s like being a juggler in a circus, except you’re also on a unicycle.

Empowering Ourselves to Empower Them: Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and chocolates (though, those help!). It’s about acknowledging that we’re doing a tough job and we deserve to cut ourselves some slack. Seek support, talk to someone – because honestly, sometimes you just need to vent about the socks.

Parenting Tips: The Real Deal

  • Parents: Find your tribe – a group, a friend, a coach. Someone who gets it when you say, “Today was a three-tantrum day.”
  • Kids: They need a safe space to explode sometimes. And as much as we want to fix it, sometimes just being there is enough.

It’s Okay, We’re All in This Together. Parenting is basically signing up for a rollercoaster you never really get off of. But remember, you’re doing an incredible job. Each meltdown, each cuddle, it’s all part of this wild ride.

Feeling like you’re sailing these waters alone? Need someone to help navigate through the storms and tantrums? That’s where I come in.. Let’s chat, and together, we’ll figure out how to turn those meltdowns into moments of connection and growth. Because let’s be honest, we could all use a bit of backup in the beautiful chaos of parenting. Book your free Discovery Session today