The Curious Eagle

Let's Get Curious

Embark on a Journey of Insight, Inspiration, and Parenting Wisdom with The Curious Eagle Blog.
My Children

Is ‘Staying Calm’ Just a Parenting Illusion?

Facing a toddler’s tantrum can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. I’ve been in the trenches of toddler tantrums too and it’s not my always my proudest moments. The advice to ‘stay calm’ during these episodes? It’s like telling someone to stay dry in a rainstorm without

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My Relationships

The Great Divide: Navigating Friendships Between Mothers and Child-Free Women

Ever noticed the silent undercurrents in conversations between friends who are mothers and those who are not? There’s a complex world of emotions beneath the surface, often unspoken. Child-free women sometimes feel neglected, while mothers grapple with overwhelming demands, each facing unique challenges in maintaining their bond. The Overlooked Friendships

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My Relationships

Balancing Independence and Togetherness in Relationships

Explore how to maintain a healthy balance of independence and togetherness in a relationship. Isn’t it a curious balancing act, maintaining your own space while building a life with someone in today’s world? Especially now, when social media often blurs the lines between personal time and couple time. How do

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Hey there!

I’m Desiree, the heart behind The Curious Eagle, blending the adventures of parenting and personal growth. With a background in child psychology and as a licensed Heal Your Life Coach, I’m here to support your journey.